Research Experience

  • 2024-2025 : Master Student, Imperial College London
    Started a master thesis on DESI galaxy spectra with Dr Boris Leidsted.

  • 2023-2024: Master Student, Queen Mary University of London
    Master thesis on the primordial universe with Dr David Mulryne. Received a distinc- tion. Assumed a log-normal peak in the primordial power-spectrum, from this, calcu- lated whether PIXIE would be able to detect the spectral distortions in the CMB gener- ated from the corresponding PPS shape using MCMC, and if adding MCMC chains from NanoGrav15 would help identify that peak.

  • 2016-2017: Master Student, University of Oxford
    Master thesis on using W-spiders to represent OR and AND in a categorical grammar under the supervision of Prof Bob Coecke.

  • 2016: International Fellow, SRI International
    Researched implementing a natural language interface for the proving software PVS.

  • 2016: Verification Project, Ecole polytechnique

    Proved a simple compiler in Coq.

  • 2015: Networking Project, Ecole polytechnique
    Searched for vulnerable public keys by looking for common dividers - coded in Java.

  • 2014-2015: Group Science Project, Ecole polytechnique
    Lead a research project to build and modelise a Wilson cloud chamber.

  • 2012-2013: TIPE, Lycée Henri IV
    Wrote code to improve the automation of Hubble images processing for my end of year project.

  • 2011: NASA Internship, Goddard Space Flight Center
    Processed and Analysed several dozens of Hubble images under the supervision of Dr Steve Kraemer.

  • 2010: NASA Internship, Goddard Space Flight Center
    Researched data on Active Galactic Nuclei under the supervision of Dr Steve Kraemer.


  • 2024-2025: MRes in Machine Learning and Big Data in the Physical Sciences, Imperial College London

    Thesis title: Fitting DESI galaxy spectra with SPS models and simulation-based inference

  • 2022-2024: M.Sc. Astrophysics, Queen Mary University of London
    Thesis title: Combining Cosmic Microwave Background and Sotchastic Gravitational Wave Background Data to Find a Peak in the Primordial Power Spectrum.
    Graduated with distinction.

  • 2018-2021: Master of Business Administration , Quantic School of Business and Technology

  • 2016-2017: M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Oxford Thesis title: W-spiders

  • 2013-2016: Diplome d’ingenieur, Ecole polytechnique GPA: 3.7/4, top 25% of my year.

  • 2024-2025: Programme Lead for Maths4Girls, Founders4Schools
    Managed the Maths4Girls programme which involved fundraising, partner manage- ment, writing newsletters and social media posts, organising events and enrolling new schools.

  • 2018-2024: Vice President, Citigroup
    Held several roles: quantitative developer, quantitative analyst and senior apps devel- oper. Wrote code in C++ and Python mainly.

  • 2017-2018: Software Engineer, Bloomberg LP
    Worked in the Feeds EMEA team parsing data from stock exchanges in C++.

  • 2017: Trading Intern, Jane Street
    Searched for trading strategies using 3 months of trading data for 12 emerging market ETFs

  • 2015: Digital Strategy Consultant, Eleven Stratgy & Management
    Studied the different IoT technologies and recommended Orange on its home automation strategy

  • 2014-2015: Physics Oral Interviewer, Lycee Henri IV and Lycee Saint Louis
    Gave weekly mock oral examinations to prepare first year university students

  • 2013-2014: Military Internship, Lycee Naval
    Tutored and taught French Navy Highschool (equivalent of A-level) and Prepa (equivalent of first two years of university) students in maths, physics, english and engineering.

Employment History


  • Fluent in French and English, intermediate level in Spanish and some basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.

  • Python, C++, OCaml, Java, LATEX,...

  • Linux, Emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Git, Jupyter, General Networking

  • Open water swimming, piano, knitting