Research Experience
2024-2025 : Master Student, Imperial College London
Started a master thesis on DESI galaxy spectra with Dr Boris Leidsted.2023-2024: Master Student, Queen Mary University of London
Master thesis on the primordial universe with Dr David Mulryne. Received a distinc- tion. Assumed a log-normal peak in the primordial power-spectrum, from this, calcu- lated whether PIXIE would be able to detect the spectral distortions in the CMB gener- ated from the corresponding PPS shape using MCMC, and if adding MCMC chains from NanoGrav15 would help identify that peak.2016-2017: Master Student, University of Oxford
Master thesis on using W-spiders to represent OR and AND in a categorical grammar under the supervision of Prof Bob Coecke.2016: International Fellow, SRI International
Researched implementing a natural language interface for the proving software PVS.2016: Verification Project, Ecole polytechnique
Proved a simple compiler in Coq.
2015: Networking Project, Ecole polytechnique
Searched for vulnerable public keys by looking for common dividers - coded in Java.2014-2015: Group Science Project, Ecole polytechnique
Lead a research project to build and modelise a Wilson cloud chamber.2012-2013: TIPE, Lycée Henri IV
Wrote code to improve the automation of Hubble images processing for my end of year project.2011: NASA Internship, Goddard Space Flight Center
Processed and Analysed several dozens of Hubble images under the supervision of Dr Steve Kraemer.2010: NASA Internship, Goddard Space Flight Center
Researched data on Active Galactic Nuclei under the supervision of Dr Steve Kraemer.
2024-2025: MRes in Machine Learning and Big Data in the Physical Sciences, Imperial College London
Thesis title: Fitting DESI galaxy spectra with SPS models and simulation-based inference
2022-2024: M.Sc. Astrophysics, Queen Mary University of London
Thesis title: Combining Cosmic Microwave Background and Sotchastic Gravitational Wave Background Data to Find a Peak in the Primordial Power Spectrum.
Graduated with distinction.2018-2021: Master of Business Administration , Quantic School of Business and Technology
2016-2017: M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Oxford Thesis title: W-spiders
2013-2016: Diplome d’ingenieur, Ecole polytechnique GPA: 3.7/4, top 25% of my year.
2024-2025: Programme Lead for Maths4Girls, Founders4Schools
Managed the Maths4Girls programme which involved fundraising, partner manage- ment, writing newsletters and social media posts, organising events and enrolling new schools.2018-2024: Vice President, Citigroup
Held several roles: quantitative developer, quantitative analyst and senior apps devel- oper. Wrote code in C++ and Python mainly.2017-2018: Software Engineer, Bloomberg LP
Worked in the Feeds EMEA team parsing data from stock exchanges in C++.2017: Trading Intern, Jane Street
Searched for trading strategies using 3 months of trading data for 12 emerging market ETFs2015: Digital Strategy Consultant, Eleven Stratgy & Management
Studied the different IoT technologies and recommended Orange on its home automation strategy2014-2015: Physics Oral Interviewer, Lycee Henri IV and Lycee Saint Louis
Gave weekly mock oral examinations to prepare first year university students2013-2014: Military Internship, Lycee Naval
Tutored and taught French Navy Highschool (equivalent of A-level) and Prepa (equivalent of first two years of university) students in maths, physics, english and engineering.
Employment History
Fluent in French and English, intermediate level in Spanish and some basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.
Python, C++, OCaml, Java, LATEX,...
Linux, Emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Git, Jupyter, General Networking
Open water swimming, piano, knitting